| LIFESTYLE | 4 Feminine Laws of Leadership

Calling all mothers, sisters, healers, teachers, listeners, givers, and creators of the world!

All of those labels mentioned above are the foundation of what keeps a healthy household, community, and world running. These are traits that can’t be bought: gifts that are bestowed on us by the higher power, and each gift becomes a lifestyle with every lesson learned throughout our journey.

What do each of these labels have in common?
They are ALL innate characteristics of the feminine energy.

With every action, thought, and energy level comes with its equal and opposite reaction; we all learned that in science, right? All around the world you see a patriarch- based society, where masculinity is glorified as if it is the sole reason we even exist today. Not taking away the necessity of masculine energy, but there is a reason why stories from a woman’s perspective are left out the history books: women play the power positions.

We as women have been the cause of wars and alignments since the beginning of time; kings and princes, lords and captains have gone to countless battles over the idea of winning a woman. Treaties signed, alliances made… the right woman can build nations, as well as tear them down. Women are the inspiration and the leaders of this world whether they are aware of it or not. Here are 4 concepts to owning your femininity, understanding your power and using it to build your world EXACTLY how you want it:

1)    Be like water
You’ve heard Bruce Lee’ famous line of “being like water”, referring to the concept of being flexible through life to best navigate your journey. Water molds and shapes itself to its environment; never losing its consistency, always remaining exactly what it is. But water has even more strengths when it is used aggressively. Water refreshes everything that is comes across without judging, and it gets beneath the surfaces of things with minimal effort. As a woman, our natural inclination to be of service allows us to be free flowing like water, where we can be there for our loved ones so that everyone can benefit- speaking honestly, and only choosing to step in for shining light on situations to create harmony in our environments. When we look at water, we can learn that timing is everything; its consistent, it serves without complaint, and it can be a tool to build. But when water isn’t in a controlled environment it can also be a weapon of destruction. Take time to visit your nearest lake, or pond, or even a beach and watch how water exists with all its mysteries and secrets, but shapes itself to be of service to whatever environment it is in.

2)    Reflect
As women we love a good talk. Speaking with our girlfriends, our family, communicating with our children, husbands and boyfriends. I have an idea that the telephone was made famous by the woman’s need for constant communication. Talking is how we keep cultural traditions alive. It’s how we teach and learn lessons from our ancestors. Talking and listening to one another is so powerful with women because it really creates portals and gateways for spiritual relationships to manifest. But as with all things, too much of it can be detrimental. We want to know and solve everyone’s problems, but too much drama will fog up our won identity and consciousness. We enjoy giving a listening ear, but too much noise can cloud our own genuine insight. It is important to educate ourselves on things we want to try in this world, but too many opinions can overwhelm our ability to depend on our own intuition. What we can do after meaningful conversations is take our time to ingest what we’ve learned, and what we have been taught. For example, if you’re currently learning something new, its not the best idea to cram all the information in at one time. What we SHOULD do is reflect, and digest what has just happened. Our body is our strongest indicator for what is good for our soul, so think about how your body feels after reading an article? Taking a class? Discussing that conversation? Everything we need to know is programmed in our DNA; the world just co signs what our spirit has already decided should exist in our lives. Go inward EVERY DAY and listen to yourself, and you’ll have a clearer vision of what is essential to act on in your daily life, and what is best left in nonexistence.

3)    Act as A Midwife
A huge responsibility we have as women is the power to give life. Not only do we create life, we cultivate it, we nurture it, and we use it to paint the world according to what we desire the world to look like. We have the power to give life to our friends, our partners, our children, and even complete strangers. Imagine you have been honoured with the task of helping an expecting mom give birth. Your job is to be attentive to her, without showing any impatience or irritation. You assist the mother according to her needs, her flow of contractions, her breathing, and so on. You give direction when she needs help, but for the most part you leave her in charge of the pace she and her baby requires to be born. The same concept will help with the people around you in real life. We as women are very possessive of the people closest to us; we want to monitor their progress and be included in every step of their journeys. I think the biggest example of this is when you’re giving someone advice: because nothing is more frustrating than helping loved ones, then seeing them end up right back to where they started in the first place. The main thing to remember when assisting people in their lives is that you are the facilitator is another’s process. Your friends’ problems aren’t your problems. You cannot try to control your partner. You cannot force your own needs and insights into your children. Great leaders among a group make their presence felt, but have mastered the ability to allow their group to run itself. Be in peoples lives as a guide, but allow them the freedom to look at themselves as a failure or success without the need to include you in it.

4)    Decide What You Are Feeling
Feelings are a choice. A lot of people get really upset when they’re told that THEY have control over their emotions. People are sooo used to being reactive that they train themselves to decide to feel a certain way in a certain situation.
But the key word is still decide.
Yes, the truth is that your feelings about someone or something is your decision. It is so important here that I emphasize that you need to accept that your mindset is solely determined by what you think about whatever situation you’re currently dealing with. Try to pull yourself out of the equation and look at the bigger picture. What is the lesson here? Who is it for? Visualization and meditation can really help keep these things in perspective. That way you can be ready for the things you can’t control (which is 80% of how life works anyway). It’s important to unleash the concept that you are SUPPOSED to feel a certain way, because each one of us has our own unique life pass. Meaning you control the way you flow in every dynamic. Start thinking about what you’re “thinking” about and ask yourself; is this thought going to serve my highest and greatest desires? Will it serve the good that is for and within myself? Then decide.


As always, learning and unlearning new concepts takes time and practice. It’s easy to get off on reading motivational and life changing posts, just like its easy to sit in church and get your life, only to leave a few hours later and find yourself in a situation with someone that’s got you fucked up. I’m always preaching that life is about balance, no one is going to choose right all the time, but like the Chinese homie Lao Tzu once said...

“Leadership is the ability to hide your panic from others.”

I’m just going to leave you with a short poem that I think embodies what being a leader as a woman is all about. Our spiritual job is to observe and heal, and when we find how that concept fits into our individual lives, peaceful living becomes a hell of a lot more peaceful.

True perfection seems imperfect
Yet it is perfectly itself
True fullness seems empty
Yet it is fully present
True straightness seems crooked
True wisdom seems foolish
True art seems artless
The master allows things to happen
She shapes events as they come
She steps out the way
And lets the Tao speak for itself"

Stay Blessed


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