| MINDSET |Keeping Life Organic

I want to talk about organic fruit. Specifically the fact that shops have been selling us seedless fruit under the context of "organic" eating (ex. seedless grapes, seedless watermelon, and whatever else they have created under the name of efficiency and frugality). It really pisses me off because:

1) Spending more money on food that you KNOW  is nourishing and sustaining, is never a bad idea. If you'd rather buy cheap food and expensive material possesions that's a whole different paradigm for another conversation.
2) The fact that we accept that this seedless junk as organic just because the stores tell us mean that either we forgot how fruits and veggies used to look or that we have too much allegiance to what these corporations tell us.

Liiiike what fruit, vegetable, or ANY living organism do you know organically reproduces without seeds? I get that some things on this planet (like us) come from from eggs, but the concept is the same! All organic things come from a seed planted, or an egg hatched.

The same can be said for life.

You know how you put "feelers" out when you're meeting someone new?  You plant some of your energy into a person, and wait to see what will grow from it. Then you respond accordingly...

Because were all emotionally mature people that have dealt with our triggers to its deepest level so that we know how to process every single thing that happens to us right?
😳😳😳😳Right 😳😳😳😳

No but seriously, now is the time for us to be more conscious of the seeds we are planting in our lives. With so much going on in our world it's easy to think were creating relationships from a true organic space. The best way to guarantee you enjoy the fruits of any labor is to plant them yourself right? That way you know for sure that what’s for you is for you, and you’re not playing an extra in someone else’s movie. 
Don't get me wrong, showing up as your best self, with your game face for the world is what makes life so fun. And we should do the things that help us enjoy life whenever we can- I imagine myself looking down on people with the Blue Ivy face every time I hear Future on my way to work haha. #PlutoNation.
I'm only saying that having awareness about our specific wants and needs, along with making sure they are truly OUR wants and needs and not what we think will bring us the most social acceptance and the most worldly attention, will keep us in alignment with our higher purpose. But it only works out when we are as detailed about our life as possible, and that involves consistently figuring out where are strengths are and equally what situations we fall short in.. ON PURPOSE.

That being said...

 I think its super important that you put yourself at the center of your desires. This idea can seem a bit selfish and narcissistic, but it doesn't make sense to continue to pour yourself into other peoples cups when you yourself haven't enjoyed having a full cup of your own. Each of the 4 seasons are cycles that determine how much time to ensure your cup contains the type of substance you want to drink, in the flavor that tastes the best to YOU. It shouldn't matter what that may look like to other people. Unfortunately though sometimes it does, and the transition from putting everyone before you to truly putting yourself first doesn't happen immediately, it happens once you start changing the way you are looking at the concept of  "putting you first".

Yea sure keeping your cup full may sound a little selfish, but I need you to know that you are a seed of this world, and if you aren't keeping yourself watered and nourished (however that may look), I can guarantee your fruit wont be as nourishing for the people you share life with. Filling your cup and keeping it full ensures that you continue to engage with the world from a place of love and abundance, and not lack and uneasiness. 

Whether our cup for the day looks good, bad, bitchy, ambitious- whether were are staying low and building, or if we are out in the world creating and exploring, lets work to keep life organic all 2019


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