|| R I T U A L S || DIY: Cleopatra's Beauty Mask
Seduce yourself or a special someone with t his mineral infused face mask. An organic way to detox your pores, while taking "moisture" to a whole new level.
What you'll need:
- 3/4 Cup Cherries
- 1/4 Cup Pineapple Chunks
- 1/2 Cup Blueberries
- 2 Bananas
- 4 Tbsp of Honey
- 1/2 Cup of Plain Yogurt
Preparing Your Treatment:
Fill a medium to large bowl with 4 cups of lukewarm water and 3/4 cup of vinegar. This is going to extract the toxic chemicals that are layered over most stored fruit. Soak for 4 minutes, pour out the water and continue to rinse the fruit thoroughly.
You can buy pre-cut pineapple to add, or you can grab a pineapple and cut out pieces for yourself. Have you ever sliced and diced an organic pineapple? There are very few foods that you will work that hard for. In other words.. DO THAT :P
Pit the cherries, blueberries, pineapple, bananas, honey and organic yogurt into a blender, and blend until its really smooth.
Wash your face with your favorite cleanser first, and lightly pat dry. Apply the face mask to your clean skin and leave it on for 7 of your favorite songs!
After the mask has seeped into your skin, you can rinse it off your face with warm water, and lightly pat your face dry, adding a light moisturizer to seal in all the goodness. Some of my favorite oil to seal in moisture are coconut oil, and apricot oil.
Here are two oils from my FAVORITE brand :) Use these on your skin, and life will never be the same.
Here are two oils from my FAVORITE brand :) Use these on your skin, and life will never be the same.
*This next step is VERY IMPORTANT*
Its important to choose 7 songs that move you. Songs that inspire you. Songs that get you in your bag. You need to be intentional about every part of this process, with the mind state of positive transformation.
The nature in fruit will do its thing no matter what, but its on you to maximize its potential.
Stay on the path family, the world needs you.
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