| BEAUTY | 2 Things You Needed to Have in your Face Routine Like Yesterday

The weather is transitioning into fall/ winter vibes, and depending on where you are in the world (shout out to the lucky mother-lovers south the equator, get your tans on y'all!) were trading in our tan lines and bikinis for cardigans and pumpkin spice.. 

oh yes, I'm a first degree basic bitch when it comes to drink trends.. #OhWell

And equally as important as what goes in our body is what goes ON it. Its better to opt for the lighter oils and moisturizers during the summer to keep skin from over oiling, plus the air isn't sucking up much of the natural moisture that our skin and hair naturally produce. 

Winter, however, is an entirely different story.

Most winters are usually very drying for our skin and hair, and as i try to keep my beauty rituals as organic as possible, I've got two VERY important winter staples that I think you'll end up adopting all year round:
A little on a cotton pad right after cleansing, replace this with whatever toner you've been using like NOW.

1) Witch Hazel- This liquid gem has been used by indigenous cultures for centuries as a way of healing burns and skin tumors, and since then has been widely praised as a "must have" in beauty rituals. Derived from the bark and leaves of the plant Hamamelis Virginiana, Witch Hazel* organically absorbs oil and tightens pores, preventing blackheads as well as working as a natural astringent, which makes it a perfect toner to use after your face cleaner/exfoliant! I looooove Witch Hazel over normal facial toners because it gives such a refreshing clean feeling to your face without the burn from alcoholic chemicals that are in most over-the-counter toners. This gem tightens the skin, reduces inflammation, speeds up the healing process of already existing blemishes, and it balances out the skin discolorations from previous acne breakouts. You can literally feel this bad boy moisturizing and cleaning up whatever your cleaner may have missed. YES it helps remove make up and YES you need to have this in your daily beauty ritual.


Best to use right before bed. If you wash your face in the morning, I think its better to moistuize with organic coconut oil instead.

2) Rose Hip Oil- I just came across this bad boy within the last year, previously I had been using coconut oil as my moisturizer after cleansing, but with the winter dryness creeping in I've made the switch to Rose Hip Oil with absolutely NO intention of turning back. Super rich in fatty acids, vitamins, and antioxidants, do you really need anymore reasons to swap this for whatever the hell you've been moisturizing with before? The Omega 3, 6, and 9 fatty acids regenerate the skin, and since our skin doesn't naturally produce these acids, Rose Hip is already taking us to a place we just cant go alone by naturally quenching winter-dry skin. The vitamin A provides organic anti-aging properties, which become even more effective when you apply at night right before bed. That means you're fighting wrinkles, clearing acne scars, feeding your skin and rebuilding natural collagen all in your sleep! This gem provides all of these benefits plus so much more when you start incorporating  it onto your hair and the rest of your body, and while bottles aren't overly expensive i suggest to get on this trend before everyone finds out and take these bottles from about $5 to $20, which I've actually seen some websites are starting to sell them for. I seriously now live and die by the Rose Hip as a natural moisturizer, and unless someone finds an organic face freezer so I can look how i do NOW for the rest of my life, I don't plan on taking Rose Hip Oil out of my routine anytime soon :)

Adding these two luxurious items to your face time ritual will greatly improve the condition of your skin in the most organic way, and since I'm all about organic living I invite you to try these babies and see if you don't become a believer. If you already use Witch Hazel and Rose Hip Oil, what changes have you noticed since you've made the switch? Help some sistahs out girl!

*Bought organically, some store bought witch hazel contains small traces of isopropyl alcohol


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