Creating An Alter For Your Ancestors
Today is the day of the Saints.
A day recognized in fluent Latin cultures, where life is celebrated, and families honor their dead. This is a day to call attention to the blood lineage inside of us, that have existed light years before our conceptualization.
We take a step back and bask in the yang energy of the summer, thanking the weather for allowing us to be outside to create memory, and new tools for our journeys.
Summer 2019 is turning in.
We recognize all of the drive that the summer inspired so intensely yet again, as we start to bring our attention to how our plants will begin to shed their old shapes. We transition our menus from light and fluorescent meals, family barbecues, prime time melon season, to preparing more hearty foods, baking with extra sauce, and our favorite soups to balance out the frigid cold winds.
With cooler air, and longer nights, our atmosphere will be thin enough to become VERY sensitive to heat transmutation when we come into contact with others.
We give embrace the ones we love longer, and communicate to our team and tribes just a little bit more.
We give embrace the ones we love longer, and communicate to our team and tribes just a little bit more.
With a heightened sensitivity, were channeling our energy into honoring the spirit of our families' bloodlines
Lets remember the history of our lineage, thinking of every combination of love that has been expressed before us. We seep respect into every brick that was built by our past, acknowledge our ancestors intention and obligations, while trying to keep up with the amount of time it took to make a series of decisions that ultimately lead up to YOU.
I believe we are the karma of our ancestors. I believe they are the infrastructure to finding our true purpose on Earth. Lets represent the karma of our ancestors respectfully by creating a space that exalts the most important people in history.
What you'll need:
A) Candle (preferably your choice of ancestors favorite color)
B) Cup to offer beverage
C) Bowl or plate to offer food
D) Pen and paper
E) Photos of family you want to honor
F) Money
Find a space in the home where you would like to set up your alter. It can be any size, as simple and as elaborate as you want. This is your own personal place of worship, so turn it into a space that makes you feel safe.
We initiate the manifestation of our alter with the element of fire. We take our candle and use the element to send our messages into the expansiveness of the universe, asking the energies to establish receptivity from our ancestors, so that we may continue to welcome our own inner expansion. Click the photo below to purchase very lush organic candles, made with soy wax. A lot of the scents are for relaxation and stress release, and they've got fragrances for both women and men. Use them when meditating on the past, enjoy them during your present moments, and grab one for the future.
Next we call on the element of water, where the alchemical experience brings our own inner reflection and fluidity. This is important as water can store and exchange information between our intuition and our unconscious mind. (To learn more about water memory click 🔺 HERE 🔺)
Spring water is said to be the best type of water to offer to ancestors, but I would suggest that you treat your spirit guides as you would yourself, and offer similar water to what you drink. Feel free to offer any other beverage that you think your ancestors would like; my granddad loved Budweiser beer when he was alive, and I still think about him whenever I smell it. So in addition to having water, I'd leave out a can of his favorite beer. Sometimes opened, sometimes closed. Drinks like coffee, alcohol, or even juice can entice spirit to do a little happy dance.
The element of air is a little more tricky to manifest, but true alchemy finds a way. Place an incense on your alter: when we fire up the initial light, we blow out the we concentrate on the ability to reconnect balance and inner harmony between us and our ancestors. We acknowledge separation from our spirit guides and the physical realm, and the union in our existence that represents our history.
The element of Earth give us a lot of options in choosing its representation. Crystals, stones, sand, grass, plants; Earth reminds us of the process of transformation. From death to rebirth. Let us be clear: the death we honor is a part of the transformation process. The killing of old habits and old ways, the execution of vibrations and strategies that are no longer aligned with your highest goal. Earth teaches us to be still while we feel through our experiences, so that we can be sure the messages coming from our ancestors are in alignment with freedom.
After we've gathered the elemental aspects of our alter, we decorate it by placing photos of our family that we want protected. We add pictures of friends that we want looked after.
You can ask for protection over your pets by adding photos of them to the mix.
After we have protected our family, we offer food to our spirit guides.. Whichever food your grandmother loved, even your own personal favorite snack makes for an excellent offering, because what is done in love, is done well.
We add money to the alter as payment of appreciation. No one likes to work for free, so we present our spirit guides with a money offering to show that were about their business of protection and guidance. Whatever you feel is on your heart to offer as payment is enough. Don't overthink it.
The last part of our offering is writing down our affirmation and libations. We take paper and pen, and write the ideas we would like our ancestors to meditate over. We thank them for all of their efforts on our behalf, and we can ask them to look over any specific areas in our lives that we want to pay more attention to. These messages should be thought out according to what YOU believe is important. Write messages, ask questions that you want to know. Not your mom. Not what you THINK you're supposed to want to ask for. Go as big as you want in asking for blessings, and go as deep as you need to when asking for guidance.
There is no time limit for how long your alter should be around. Were building on our relationships with our past, while showing gratitude for the present, and building for the future. Continued blessings to all.
B) Cup to offer beverage
C) Bowl or plate to offer food
D) Pen and paper
E) Photos of family you want to honor
F) Money
Choosing a space for your alter should look however you want. Elaborate or simple, make it a space you'll feel comfortable connecting with. |
Find a space in the home where you would like to set up your alter. It can be any size, as simple and as elaborate as you want. This is your own personal place of worship, so turn it into a space that makes you feel safe.
We initiate the manifestation of our alter with the element of fire. We take our candle and use the element to send our messages into the expansiveness of the universe, asking the energies to establish receptivity from our ancestors, so that we may continue to welcome our own inner expansion. Click the photo below to purchase very lush organic candles, made with soy wax. A lot of the scents are for relaxation and stress release, and they've got fragrances for both women and men. Use them when meditating on the past, enjoy them during your present moments, and grab one for the future.
Next we call on the element of water, where the alchemical experience brings our own inner reflection and fluidity. This is important as water can store and exchange information between our intuition and our unconscious mind. (To learn more about water memory click 🔺 HERE 🔺)
Spring water is said to be the best type of water to offer to ancestors, but I would suggest that you treat your spirit guides as you would yourself, and offer similar water to what you drink. Feel free to offer any other beverage that you think your ancestors would like; my granddad loved Budweiser beer when he was alive, and I still think about him whenever I smell it. So in addition to having water, I'd leave out a can of his favorite beer. Sometimes opened, sometimes closed. Drinks like coffee, alcohol, or even juice can entice spirit to do a little happy dance.
The element of air is a little more tricky to manifest, but true alchemy finds a way. Place an incense on your alter: when we fire up the initial light, we blow out the we concentrate on the ability to reconnect balance and inner harmony between us and our ancestors. We acknowledge separation from our spirit guides and the physical realm, and the union in our existence that represents our history.
The element of Earth give us a lot of options in choosing its representation. Crystals, stones, sand, grass, plants; Earth reminds us of the process of transformation. From death to rebirth. Let us be clear: the death we honor is a part of the transformation process. The killing of old habits and old ways, the execution of vibrations and strategies that are no longer aligned with your highest goal. Earth teaches us to be still while we feel through our experiences, so that we can be sure the messages coming from our ancestors are in alignment with freedom.
If you love this Tigers Eye Stone for protection and intuition, click the image to get one of your own! |
After we've gathered the elemental aspects of our alter, we decorate it by placing photos of our family that we want protected. We add pictures of friends that we want looked after.
You can ask for protection over your pets by adding photos of them to the mix.
After we have protected our family, we offer food to our spirit guides.. Whichever food your grandmother loved, even your own personal favorite snack makes for an excellent offering, because what is done in love, is done well.
We add money to the alter as payment of appreciation. No one likes to work for free, so we present our spirit guides with a money offering to show that were about their business of protection and guidance. Whatever you feel is on your heart to offer as payment is enough. Don't overthink it.
The last part of our offering is writing down our affirmation and libations. We take paper and pen, and write the ideas we would like our ancestors to meditate over. We thank them for all of their efforts on our behalf, and we can ask them to look over any specific areas in our lives that we want to pay more attention to. These messages should be thought out according to what YOU believe is important. Write messages, ask questions that you want to know. Not your mom. Not what you THINK you're supposed to want to ask for. Go as big as you want in asking for blessings, and go as deep as you need to when asking for guidance.
There is no time limit for how long your alter should be around. Were building on our relationships with our past, while showing gratitude for the present, and building for the future. Continued blessings to all.
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