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Earth Signs. Earth Signs. Earth Signs. Lets cut right to the chase. I'm going to tell you some positive and negative traits associated with your sign, and after you pump your head up, and snatch your life back, I'm going to share some practical, functional uses of things from the Earth, that enhances the most infinite of quality living. Ase? Ase. Taurus Dancing Zodiac by Deviant Art Taurus, being the second sign in the astrological line up, is an Earth sign ruled by Venus. In some ancient scripts, the planet Venus is the goddess of beauty and love. Taurus are known for being represented by a bull, a sign that values security, harmony, prosperity and wealth. More on the conservative side, Taurus are very sensitive to their senses, so keeping melodious music, or strong colors around a Taurus will really appeal to their sense of reality. Taurus are interested in long term goals and values, which make them pretty boring to people that love to flip th

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